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About me

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Anne Hope BSc(Hons) LCCH RSHom

I became involved in homeopathy after seeing it work for my very young daughter, when other things didn't.  She was ill following meningitis and encephalitis at 2 years old. Her symptoms were recurrent infections and sickness, she was losing weight and generally failing to thrive.


A friend recommended homeopathic treatment, and although I really didn't believe in alternate medicine, I was at the end of my tether and felt conventional medicine wasn't giving me any options. I trusted my friend and decided to give it a go, but to be honest really didnt think it would do anything at all.  It proved a turning point in her health. 


Why I love doing what I do

I have now been using homeopathy since 1996, and am still in awe of its capability for restoring physical health as well as supporting mental and emotional balance.  I really love working through the complexities of cases, and using homeopathy as a support, deep emotional traumas can be cleared effectively and quickly.  I set up Plymouth Homeopathy with the aim to help others even if they are sceptical.  Since moving to Plymouth from Essex in 2003, I have worked with hundreds of clients who like me may not believe in homeopathy, but ended up completely transformed by it.  I worked for 6 years in a multi-disciplinary natural health and healing clinic, and have experience of many different therapies and how they can be integrated into treatment.


As well as working as a therapist at Plymouth Homeopathy, I have found supporting work with yoga & meditation to be a complete way of living well.


Working with Women

I have worked in Women's Refuge, and a Drug Rehabilitation Facility specialising with women & children, and have worked with many women in difficult life changing situations. It became clear how very stressful situations can affect women holistically, causing many physical symptoms including hormonal problems and difficult menstrual cycles.


Working with women who are struggling with their cycles, having fertility or menopausal problems has become my specialism.  For 10 years I worked with a colleague in a specialist fertility clinic, rebalancing hormones, creating a healthy cycle as well as working with people considering or undergoing IVF.  It has given many couples the opportunity of a child when nothing else was working.


Changes throughout a women's life, having children, balancing family life through to "empty nest" when children leave can impact strongly - and I have many women who come for support during difficult times.  A major change is later at menopause, which many women dread.  In truth it should be a change, but without undue symptoms - and enabling women to pass through this into their age of freedom and wisdom is joyful.


Before becoming a homeopath and running Plymouth Homeopathy, I was a qualified lecturer teaching psychology and counselling at university.

Plymouth Homeopathy

Homeopathy and homeopathic counselling for physical and emotional health. Always consult your doctor if you are concerned about any symptoms you are suffering.

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